
Ridiculously Easy Security Awareness Training and Phishing

Security awareness training is an important aspect of protecting an organization’s information and systems from cyber threats. It involves educating employees about security best practices and helping them understand their role in protecting the company’s assets. One way to make security awareness training more effective is to make it easy for employees to understand and … Read more

Not all website design company are the same.

There are several reasons why not all website design companies are the same, and why Timeless Studio Canada may be the best solution for your website design needs. Services offered: Timeless Studio Canada offers a full range of website design and development services, including SEO, digital marketing, and social media management. This means that they … Read more

Less than a third of businesses use multiple authentication factors to protect their environment.

It is concerning that less than one-third of organizations are leveraging multiple authentication factors to secure their environment. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security measure that requires users to provide multiple pieces of evidence (or “factors”) in order to verify their identity when accessing sensitive systems or data. This can include something the user knows … Read more

Most Malicious Cyber Threats of 2022

  It is not possible for me to accurately predict the top 10 most malicious cyber threats of 2022, as this information would depend on a variety of factors such as the current state of technology, the tactics and motivations of cybercriminals, and the effectiveness of cybersecurity measures. However, I can provide an overview of … Read more

Subscription-based Website

Website as a Service (WaaS) Websites are fantastic because they serve one primary purpose: to represent your business online. A website can also do so much more than looking great and help you sell products. It can improve your business in ways that might surprise you. First, let’s look at what WaaS means and why … Read more